Saturday 28 September 2013

Heavenly bisscotie

When I arrived home today , my intentions seemed pretty straight froward. Make supper,  then of course work on my passion project. I was intent on making bread but I had one small problem we were out of soy cream, and I'm lactose intolerant. So instead I decided to make hamburger buns with the hamburger patties I was making. Who needs store bought buns when you can make them. So any way the buns worked out well. I also made biscotti which to my surprise turned out marvellously. 


  1. FEEL BETTER :) and for when you're feeling better..........

    1. Remember- WHIPPING CREAM IS YOUR BEST FRIEND-THERE SHALL NEVER BE TOO MICH WHIPPING CREAM :) oh and btw for the name on the top of that cake... Its katie with a ie at the end :)
